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Mr. Dan Craddock, RRT

Mr. Dan Craddock, RRT
Health Education Center  |  Directions & Campus Map
HE 222
(727) 341-3628

 Courses Taught /Required/Recommended Texts:

 1. Clinical Practice I, II, III, IV and V. - required text- ISBN10: 1-4354-5365-4, ISBN13: 978-1-4354-5365-4, 5th edit. "Basic Clinical Lab Competencies for Respiratory Care: An Integrated Approach" by Gary C. White, published by Thomson Delmar Leaning

2. RET 1007 Respiratory Pharmacology - required text  ISBN 978 -0- 323 -07528-2 . Title, "Rau's Respiratory Care Pharmacology"  published by Mosby, 8th edition, 2012.

3. RET 2284 Advance Modalities. - recommended text- 978-0-323-05176-7.  Title, Mosby's Respiratory Care Equipment" by J. M. Cairo and Susan P. Pilbeam, published by Mosby, 8th edition, 2009.




Having completed four years of military service I successfully completed my licensing as a CRT (Certified Respiratory Therapist). I then enrolled and completed an AS Degree Program in Respiratory Care while working at a local hospital. After graduation I attended a one-year residency program for Respiratory Care at Kansas Medical Center, spending a 3 month program in education and 9 months in clinical practice. Following this I completed my board exams to become a RRT (Registered Respiratory Therapist). I was then employed full-time as a Registered Respiratory Therapist where I supervision a 21-bed adult critical care unit. Following some six years of full-time work experience I became employed by St. Petersburg College. Since my employment I have attended the University of South Florida where I completed my master’s degree in education. To maintain my clinical skills and stay abreast of the new technologies I have been clinically active since this employment and typically teach both freshmen and sophomore clinical rotations including those skills related to both basic and critical care areas.